Interdisciplinary research programs at Université Grenoble Alpes: Cross Disciplinary Program (CDP)

Interdisciplinarity for science and progress.
Launched in 2016 with the support of Idex Université Grenoble Alpes, the Cross-disciplinary Programs (CDP) are ambitious cutting-edge research projects built at the confluence of several disciplines, with the aim of advancing science and innovation and providing answers to four major challenges of the 21st century: With a new investment of €7,6 million for the 7 new CDP and €6,8 million for the 14 programs funded by the Cross disciplinary Tools (CDTools), it’s a total of €14 million invested to position the UGA as a major player, both nationally and internationally, in a number of strategic areas such as quantum engineering, artificial intelligence, computer security and personalized medicine.

These projects, which are resolutely interdisciplinary, give pride of place to human, political and social sciences, with 30% of the scientific community coming from these communities. Here again, the CDPs have helped Grenoble become a leader in interdisciplinary fields such as the links between beauty and health, research and creation, heritage science, and environmental modeling.

The 21 CDP projects

New CDP projects

Continued CDP projects

Published on  January 30, 2020
Updated on February 27, 2023