International laboratories and networks

Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) research teams and partners from research organizations are actively involved in numerous international laboratories and structuring research projects abroad, where they develop strategic scientific collaborations, and contribute to UGA's international visibility and attractiveness.
Locations of international research structures in which UGA and its institutions participate.
View the interactive map

International research laboratories

International research laboratories (IRL), formerly International Joint Units (UMI) (previous CNRS nomenclature).

IRLs are laboratories located on a single international platform, where partner institutions jointly conduct research activities within a shared scientific framework. These laboratories are structured around the significant and lasting presence of scientists from a limited number of French and foreign research institutions (only one foreign partner country).

List of laboratories:
Nom Description Pays partenaires Laboratoires UGA impliqués
LN2 Laboratoire nanotechnologies et nanosystèmes Canada Laboratoire des technologies de la microélectronique
J-F AST Japanese-french alliance for science and technology Japon Institut Néel

Laboratoire des technologies de la microélectronique

Laboratoire photonique électronique et ingénierie quantiques (PHELIQS)

International research projects

International research projects (IRP), formerly called Laboratoires internationaux associés (LIA) (previous CNRS classification)..

IRPs are virtual laboratories in which human and material resources are pooled for a research project, usually involving several research teams or laboratories in France and abroad that have already worked together on co-publications. Their purpose is to organize working meetings or seminars, develop joint research activities including field research, and supervise students.

List of projects:
Nom Description Pays partenaires Laboratoires UGA impliqués
CARE Centre asiatique de recherche sur l'eau Vietnam Institut des géosciences de l’environnement (IGE)
BACWALL Formation and structures of macromolecular complexes wich participate in the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall and virulence Brésil Institut de biologie structurale (IBS)
ECLAIRS2 Études intégrées du climat et de l'océan en Afrique de l’ouest et réponses aux changements climatiques au Sénégal Sénégal Institut des géosciences de l’environnement (IGE)
FCPPL France China particle physics laboratory Chine Laboratoire de physique subatomique & cosmologie (LPSC) - Jusqu'en 2019
GEODESIC Geometry driven signal and image processing lab Australie Grenoble images parole signal automatique (GIPSA-Lab)
GreKIT Superconductivity from materials to device applications Allemagne Institut Néel

Laboratoire de physique et modélisation des milieux condensés (LPMMC)

Laboratoire national des champs magnétiques intenses (LNCMI)

Laboratoire de génie électrique de Grenoble (G2ELab)
ICE ARCHIVE Climates and environments from ice archives Russie Institut des géosciences de l’environnement (IGE)
JOULE Joint underground laboratory in Europe Russie

République Tchèque
Laboratoire souterrain de Modane (LSM)
LEPLB Low energy particles low background Russie Laboratoire de physique subatomique & cosmologie (LPSC)
LIASTEP Laboratoire sciences et technologies des plasmas Canada Laboratoire de physique subatomique & cosmologie (LPSC)

Science et ingénierie des matériaux et procédés (SIMaP)
MAXWELL 2 Laboratoire international associé francobrésilien James Clerk Maxwell Brésil Laboratoire de génie électrique de Grenoble (G2ELab)

Institut de microélectronique, électromagnétisme et photonique - Laboratoire d'hyperfréquence et de caractérisation (IMEPLAHC).
NEXUS Climat - eau - énergie - agriculture et services climatiques Côte d'Ivoire Institut des géosciences de l’environnement (IGE)
REZOC Centre d'étude des ressources en eau et de la zone critique Bénin Institut des géosciences de l’environnement (IGE)
SFLFM Sino french laboratory in fundamental mathematics Chine Institut Joseph Fourier (IF)
SPINMAT Novel functional materials for spintronics Allemagne Spintronique et technologie des composants (SPINTEC)

International research networks

International research networks (IRN), formerly called Groupements de recherche internationaux (GDRI) (former CNRS nomenclature).

The purpose of this grouping is to structure an emerging scientific community at the international level around a shared theme or a research infrastructure. It brings together researchers from one or more French laboratories, including at least one CNRS laboratory, and from several partner laboratories abroad. These collaborations include the organization of workshops, seminars or schools in France and abroad. They define specific objectives in terms of expected outcomes, beyond the mere scientific animation, as well as the added value of the international collaboration. They have an exploratory purpose.

List of networks:
Nom Description Pays partenaires Laboratoires UGA impliqués
DRAKKAR Assessing the benefit of high resolution ocean model configurations for Earth System models using NEMO Royaume Uni Institut des géosciences de l’environnement (IGE)

Laboratoire des écoulements géophysiques et industriels (LEGI)
MAREES New nanostructured materials and biomaterials for renwable electrical energy sources Chine Département de chimie moléculaire (DCM)
QUADMARTS Quantitative detection of molecular and radical trace species produced by chemical reactions and photodissociation processe États Unis Laboratoire interdisciplinaire de physique (LiPhy)
SINERGIE French singaporean network on renewable energies Singapour Laboratoire de génie électrique de Grenoble (G2ELab)

Grenoble images parole signal automatique (GIPSA-Lab - SIMaP)

Laboratoire des écoulements géophysiques et industriels (LEGI)
Published on  April 6, 2021
Updated on August 30, 2023