Health, well-being and technology
Improving quality of life and decreasing the cost of healthcare are two major priorities for Europe and France. To achieve these seemingly antagonistic objectives, it is necessary to deliver new products, concepts and services, including educational programs that will support a personalized approach to healthy ageing and well-being.
Major scientific challenges include detecting early signatures and markers of environmental (eg toxic agents) and societal (eg stress, urbanization and sedentary lifestyle) risks; trans-disease data integration; minimally invasive therapy and medical devices; and ambient assisted living.These challenges cannot be solved using a purely science-based approach, as the success or failure of the devices and services being developed relies largely on economic, societal and regulation/reimbursement-related issues. For example, in chronic diseases (that amount to 70% of deaths and more than 2/3 of hospital costs), the rate of compliance to treatment is below 60%. Tackling such an issue requires a global approach to prevention, treatment and monitoring, based on new technologies and medical devices.
Our multidisciplinary approach spans medical research, biology, material and chemical engineering, robotics and data sciences, soft and matter physics as well as social sciences. It is closely integrated with the work of the KIC Health and Ageing, the competitive clusters Lyon Biopôle and Minalogic and with our future center for ageing and chronic diseases (CreSI), three projects at the heart of the MedTech field that currently employs over 6,000 specialists in Grenoble.
Published on October 7, 2020
Updated on October 7, 2020
Updated on October 7, 2020