Power Electronics, driver of decarbonized of electricity
Power Alps Institute aims to federate the research in the field of Power Electronics by associating with the scientific and technical challenges an integrated eco-design approach, as well as a vision of industrialization, in the context of global competition. It brings together academic actors from Grenoble and the CEA, in association with the Ampere laboratory (Lyon). The roadmap defined by PowerAlps will inform public authorities of all concerns related to this key technology, essential and strategic for a nation.
- Decarbonization of electricity
- Ecodesign, Life Cycle Analysis
- Energy Security
On a technological level, the addressed challenges include all aspects from materials and processes to electrical systems. The integrated ecodesign methodology is based on a reflective approach, partially inspired from social sciences. Finally, an economic vision is brought on the industrial context of a technology controlled by a strong international competition. The different disciplines involved in the project will confront their analysis on this sector and investigate all challenges of Power Electronics as a driver for decarbonisation of electricity.A transformative project
PowerAlps will foster a community of actors in the field of Power Electronics, initiating interactions between material sciences and electrical engineering (definition of relevant technological choices). The eco-design approach applied to Power Electronics will impulse new ideas in both disciplines, and will encourage a change of mind within the world of power electronics. Finally, researchers in economics will find in PowerAlps an amazing playground of an industrial domain facing a profound change, as well as numerous industrial contacts. Positive impacts are expected in terms of education, as well as in attractiveness for future PhD students. This project will allow to give recommendations to public decision-makers, through the drafting of a White Paper.National and international reach
the French National acceleration strategies PEPR (TASE, Electronique), IPCEI (ST, Valeo) show the importance of Power Electronics. The ECPE competence Centre in Europe and the IEEE society have already provided roadmaps in power electronics, but only on a technological level and often with a general purpose scope. PowerAlps brings a specific focus on the electrical grid, and an integrated approach adding eco-design and industrialization.For a better visibility of Grenoble
The PowerAlps roadmap will naturally put Grenoble in a leadership position in the field of power electronics on a national level. The final event will bring together decision-makers and key players of the field to present and discuss the PowerAlps vision of Power Electronics. On an international level, a workshop will be jointly organized with ECPE, open to the European community. Other workshops are planned at IEEE international conferences. Finally, some of the work is likely to generate industrial transfer.Updated on November 7, 2023