my Health Companions
Miniaturized, minimally or non-invasive, discreet and innovative companions, in a framework of co-design with all stakeholders, allowing everyone to control their health, from prevention to care.
Placing the person at the center of prevention and care processes requires simultaneous consideration of the human, social and technical dimensions of medical practice. We propose to simultaneously design an adapted SHS conceptual framework and a new generation of medical devices (health companions: modified daily objects - bicycle, vest - wearable, implantable or even "swallowable" devices). These "companions" will allow to acquire on a day-to-day basis and in "real life" the necessary data for a truly personalized medicine.
Simultaneous design of a new generation of medical devices (Health Companions) and of an appropriate conceptual Social Sciences and Humanities framework is the first challenge. Second challenge is to obtain major public health and socio-economic impacts (better health with increased and secure physical activity; prevention of complications of: i) heart failure; ii) intestinal dysbiosis; iii) chronic inflammatory diseases).Interdisciplinarity
Patient’s empowerment for health with “Health Companions” requires a co-design of a conceptual SSH frame with cross-disciplinary and cross-sectorial partners for public health issues (rehabilitation and sport optimization; heart failure; hydrogen therapy; intestinal dysbiosis). Interdisciplinary challenges are raised: signal extraction from complex and noisy multimodal data; formally validated and low-power software for secured embedded devices; medical big data mining; energy scavenging or transmission; deformable architectures for swallowable capsules; novel and safe methods to deliver hydrogen to the patient; medical benefit demonstration.A transformative project
my Health Companions will fill the current blind spot that prevents the development of 4P medicine (predictive, personalized, preventive, participative), by allowing the capture in real life of physiological parameters monitored by the "health companions", and their use in prevention, personalized therapy, or finally in tele-expertise. The invention of original methods of co-designing health solutions in major public health fields will allow for better involvement of the actors concerned, which will ensure the success of the proposed solutions.National and international reach
my Health Companions is strategic in Horizon Europe program (which puts forward Social Sciences and Humanities integration, personalized medicine and digital care, advanced materials, AI), and in the European Institute of Technology – Health. It perfectly fits with France2030 initiative: Interdisciplinary Institute for Artificial Intelligence; Digital Health; Innovative Biotherapies. It fits with UGA’s two main focuses (Human & Social Sciences; Multidisciplinary research) and with 3 of its 4 socio-economic challenges (Health, Innovation, Digital World).For a better visibility of Grenoble
my Health Companions will strengthen the reputation of the Grenoble site in terms of cutting-edge expertise in medical devices, from their invention to their marketing, by going further in the provision of health services through the co-design with patients and health professionals of original solutions to major public health problems. The relevance of these solutions will be demonstrated by clinical trials and will benefit from the CHUGA health data warehouse. Industrialization is already planned in the framework of partnerships with 5 startups and major groups.Updated on February 28, 2023