Performance Lab

Grasping the sensorial.

Conceived as an international platform, the Performance Lab brings together a community of researchers who are exploring contemporary issues that link embodiment, society and technology. The ambition of the project is to renew the ways in which research is conceived and practiced at Université Grenoble Alpes by developing new methods inspired by Anglo-Saxon notions of Performance as Research (PAR), research creation, practice-led and based research.


The aim of Performance Lab is to conduct state of the art research in the fields of performance, digital documentation, performance literacy tools and immaterial and material forms of heritage. The collaborations that will be put into place with non profit and cultural partners in the professional art world both nationally and internationally will allow us to build cutting edge artworks, new tools and methods, as well as innovative documentation that can be integrated into the fields of performance and social sciences.


The interdisciplinary nature of the laboratory is seen in how it associates common experimental and analytic platforms of embodied practice by putting into place a new synergy amongst the fields of live art, geography and computer science.

Project's organization...

Performance Lab is committed to a profound remodeling of the reciprocity of practical and theoretical research at Université Grenoble Alpes in the fields of performing arts, geography and computer science. This will be done by initiating an open dynamic and dialogue between the representational and non-representational approaches on one hand, and by associating academic institutions with cultural partners on an international stage on the other.

... and its international visibility

The project aims to put into place a new pluridisciplinary ecosystem at Université Grenoble Alpes and to contribute to the state of the art research in PAR and performance studies internationally. This will be done by drawing on the expertise at Université Grenoble Alpes and weaving new interrelationships between the body, society and technology.

Our university will be recognized as innovative for developing five contributions:
  • Shifting epistemological and methodological approaches of research due to its interdisciplinary nature
  • Making pedagogic advances within the graduate program by associating artistic and academic results
  • Renewing the social influence due to the participatory nature of the project
  • Building community with cultural partners in the region
  • Creating new artistic forms brought forward by PAR
Updated on  February 23, 2024