The Graduate School@UGA finances incoming scholarships for foreign students studying at Université Grenoble Alpes in one of its 16 thematic programs. The scholarship is granted for M1 and M2 (no scholarship possible if the student registers only in M2).
Scholarship amount:
Amount of €16,000 over two years. Internship included.
The scholarship is awarded for M1 and M2 (no scholarship possible if the student is only enrolled in M2).
In the event of withdrawal or repetition of a course, the scholarship will be suspended.
Selection criteria
Not hold a French baccalaureate.
Be admitted in a M1 or 4th year of an engineering cycle participating in GS@UGA. Courses taught at a distance are not eligible (except during lockdown).
Be admitted in a GS@UGA thematic program.
Not benefit from another scholarship (Crous, French government scholarship, foreign government scholarship, companies, foundation, Erasmus...). Students receiving a scholarship for social security coverage or an exemption from differentiated fees can benefit from a GS@UGA scholarship.
The scholarship holder commits to study in M1 and M2 at Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) and to do his internship in a UGA laboratory. In the case of a partnership, an exception to this rule is possible if the request is made by the laboratory. Failure to comply with these commitments may result in the termination of the grant and a request for reimbursement. Engineering students commit to carry out the M2 internship in UGA laboratories.
GS@UGA does not impose any age or geographical criteria.
Application procedure
Once admitted in the Master program, studnets can apply to a GS@UGA thematic program by contacting the relevant program manager with their CV and admission letter.
Application deadline
May 31st 2024
Published on February 28, 2022
Updated on January 15, 2024
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