An epigenetic checkpoint for plant growth and lignin biosynthesis

On  February 16, 2023
Using a Histone 3 mutant in the Arabidopsis model plant, researchers from France (LPCV - CEA/CNRS/INRAE/UGA and IBMP - CNRS Strasbourg) and Israel (University of Jerusalem) have studied the true role of the Lysine 27 residue of Histone 3 and the associated epigenetic modifications. This unique approach allowed them to reveal new functions in the fine regulation of developmental programmes, with an impact on plant stature and lignin production.
Understanding how plants adapt organogenesis to their environment is a major challenge for both basic science and the agricultural sector. Epigenetic and chromatin dynamic regulations play a key role in this process. Great progress has been made in identifying genetic and epigenetic regulators, but their study using loss- or gain-of-function lines has generated mainly correlative conclusions between chromatin context and development. Furthermore, many of these mutants appear to be of limited use due to the severity and pleiotropic nature of their phenotypes. One of the challenges in the study of these processes is therefore to develop tools to precisely manipulate certain epigenetic marks, in order to understand the finer mechanistic aspects and to visualise their effects on plant architecture.

The production of Arabidopsis plants that accumulate a Histone H3 variant lacking Lysine 27 revealed effects on callus production, flowering and plant architecture. Indeed, this variant induces an early flowering, the formation of a very short stem, and a higher xylem production. The transcriptomic and metabolic data obtained made it possible to correlate these phenotypes with the deregulation of pathways essential for the proper development of plants. In particular, these data show a rewiring of metabolic fluxes in the phenylpropanoid biosynthetic pathway, with an effect on the specific metabolon of the lignin biosynthetic pathway.

These findings position H3 variants lacking Lysine 27 as candidate tools for enhancing regeneration, or accentuating certain developmental traits for the adaptation of crop plants to their environment.

Des plantes d’Arabidopsis qui expriment une forme modifiée de l’histone H3 (K27A, substitution de la Lysine 27 en Alanine) présentent plusieurs différences morphologiques avec des plantes contrôles qui expriment une histone H3 non modifiée (WT) : meilleure prolifération des cals, floraison précoce et tige non allongée, défauts de types cellulaires sur l’épiderme et dans les couches inférieures de la tige.
Figure: Arabidopsis plants expressing a modified form of histone H3 (K27A, subsititution of Lysine 27 to Alanine) show several morphological differences from control plants expressing an unmodified histone H3 (WT): better callus proliferation, early flowering and shortened stem, cell type defects on the epidermis and in the lower layers of the stem. © Christel Carles
Published on  February 23, 2023
Updated on  February 23, 2023