2023 Thesis Prize: 10 young PhD graduates honored by the Université Grenoble Alpes
The juries for the Innovation Thesis Prize and the Academic Thesis Prize were held on May 22 and 23, respectively, and the prizes will be officially awarded at the " PhD Ceremony " on June 22, 2023, starting at 5 pm.
Recognizing the scientific excellence of our PhD Students
The prizes are divided into 2 categories:
- the Academic Thesis Prize, awarded to seven people based on criteria of excellence specific to each disciplinary field and represented by the 13 doctoral schools on the site and research departments. This year an eighth thesis prize is awarded for interdisciplinary research work covering at least two significantly different doctoral specialties;
- The two innovation thesis prizes are awarded to a work of exceptional quality that also includes an approach (special prize) or a project of valorization and transfer.
Winners of the Academic Thesis Prize
Marta DE SIMONE - Hot Corinos: the early organic molecular enrichment of the planet formation zones.
Doctoral School: ED PHYS – Physics
Research laboratory: Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG - CNRS/UGA)
Thesis supervision: Cecilia CECCARELLI and Claudio CODELLA
> To know more about the thesis of Marta DE SIMONE
Adeline LACROIX - Predictive mechanisms during the processing of socio-emotional stimuli in autistic adults.
Doctoral School: ED ISCE - Health, cognition and environmental engineering
Research laboratory: Laboratoire de Psychologie et Neuro Cognition (LPNC - CNRS/UGA/USMB)
Thesis supervision: Martial MERMILLOD, Marie GOMOT and Frédéric DUTHEIL
> To know more about the thesis of Adeline LACROIX
Morgan RUSINOWICZ - Mechanical and electrical properties of dielectric thin films: electrical-nanoindentation experiments and numerical simulations.
Doctoral School: ED I-MEP² - Engineering - Materials, Mechanical, Environment, Energetics, Processes, Production
Research laboratory: Science et Ingénierie des Matériaux et Procédés (SIMaP - CNRS/Grenoble INP-UGA/UGA)
Thesis supervision: Muriel BRACCINI and Fabien VOLPI
> To know more about the thesis of Morgan RUSINOWICZ
Danielle TAYLOR - Managing Language Diversity in Global Virtual Teams: The Role of Trust and Team Cohesion.
Doctoral School: ED SG – Management Sciences
Research laboratory: Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches appliquées à la gestion (CERAG - UGA)
Thesis supervision: Anne BARTEL-RADIC and Isabelle CORBETT-ETCHEVERS
> To know more about the thesis of Danielle TAYLOR
Nicolas VANSPRANGHE - Contributions to infinite-dimensional nonlinear control theory.
Doctoral School: ED EEATS - Electronics, Electrical Energy, Automatic Control, Signal Processing
Research laboratory: Grenoble Images Parole Signal Automatique (GIPSA-lab - CNRS/Grenoble INP-UGA/UGA)
Thesis supervision: Christophe PRIEUR and Francesco FERRANTE
> To know more about the thesis of Nicolas VANSPRANGHE
Junliang WANG - Surface acoustic waves as testbed for electron flying qubits.
Doctoral School: ED PHYS – Physics
Research laboratory: Institut Néel (CNRS)
Thesis supervision: Christopher BAUERLE
> To know more about the thesis of Junliang WANG
Zakaria ZIANI - Exploration of the dimethyldihydropyrene molecular platform for photoswitching, singlet oxygen production and storage. Photostructural correlations.
Doctoral School: ED CSV – Chemistry and Life Sciences
Research laboratory: Département de Chimie Moléculaire (DCM - UGA/CNRS)
Thesis supervision: Guy ROYAL and Frédérique LOISEAU
> To know more about the thesis of Zakaria ZIANI
Winner of the interdisciplinary academic thesis Prize
Andy COMBEY - Archaeoseismological approach in the Heartland of the Incas (Cusco, Peru). Potentialities and limitations for the current seismic hazard assessment and the past earthquake risk perception.
Doctoral School: ED STEP - Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences & ED SHPT - Humanities, Political and Territorial Sciences
Research laboratory: Institut des Sciences de la Terre (ISTerre - UGA/CNRS/USMB/IRD/UGE)
Thesis supervision: Laurence AUDIN and David GANDREAU
> To know more about the thesis of Andy COMBEY
Winners of the innovation thesis Prize
Robin THOMAS - Association of an induction motor with a supercharging device: application to an automotive power train.
Doctoral School: ED EEATS - Electronics, Electrical Energy, Automatic Control, Signal Processing
Research laboratory: Laboratoire de Génie Electrique (G2Elab - CNRS/UGA/Grenoble INP-UGA)
Thesis supervision: Laurent GERBAUD, Lauric GARBUIO and Hervé CHAZAL
> To know more about the thesis of Robin THOMAS
Winners of the special innovation thesis Prize
Agata URBANOWICZ - Preventing and reducing parental burnout: A clinical trial of three interventions based on cognitive behavioural therapy, second wave positive psychology, and informal mindfulness practices.
Doctoral School: ED SHPT – Humanities, Political and Territorial Sciences
Research laboratory: Laboratoire interuniversitaire de Psychologie/Personnalité, Cognition, Changement social (LIP/PC2S - UGA/USMB)
Thesis supervision: Aurélie GAUCHET and Rebecca SHANKLAND [Jaynie RANCE and Paul BENNETT, Swansea]
Cotutelle (joint PhD) : Swansea University
> To know more about the thesis of Agata URBANOWICZ
Updated on June 5, 2023