Colibri : support and integration of people in exile

Bureau d'accueil et d'information Colibri


At the request of the presidents of the higher education institutions of the university site, a working group composed of administrative staff, teachers, students, as well as the Crous, was formed to bring the issue to the attention of the university community.

Its objectives are to enable the implementation of training actions for people in exile with a potential vocation to become students and to raise the awareness of the university community. It works closely with associations (notably RUSF) and centralizes or relays the initiatives carried by members of the university community in favour of these people.

This working group served as a support point when, at the end of 2016, a Reception and Orientation Centre (CAO) was set up at the edge of the campus to receive 100 migrants from Calais following the dismantling of the so-called "jungle" by the State services. It has also been the relay for actions initiated by associations when about fifty migrants settled in the Patio in the heart of the campus in disused premises.

Key figures

In 2018, a total of 84 migrant students (all statuses) from 15 different countries have enrolled at Grenoble Alpes University, including :

  •  7 students having followed the DU PASS B2.
  •     66 in Licences and first year.
  •     18 in Master.
More information in the brochure "Welcoming people in exile".

The Colibri reception and information office

Set up in 2018, the Espace Colibri is open to anyone in exile*: potential students, teachers and researchers.

It is an entry point that centralises and coordinates actions between different services and components of the university: the Centre universitaire d'études françaises (CUEF), the Direction des études et de la vie étudiante (DEVE) and the Direction de l'orientation et de l'insertion professionnelle (DOIP).

A booklet to support the student's career path is currently being formalized to facilitate the administrative procedures between the various university departments.
In addition, Colibri centralises various actions of the site's departments and establishments:
 It links up with the CUEF, which offers the DU Passerelle - Students in exile.
    It proposes and sets up a booklet to follow up students in their administrative procedures.
    It proposes a pedagogical support system for the disciplinary courses based on the Co-former project, piloted by the Réseau université sans frontière (RUSF) and co-financed by the Grenoble IDEX project. The support is provided by trained students and supervised by referent teachers.
    It offers complementary workshops to the pedagogical curriculum: reflecting on and preparing one's professional project, writing a CV and a cover letter organized by the DOIP and also by Grenoble École de Management.

* It was decided to prefer the term "exile" to other denominations. This term is not restricted to the status of persons in exile, but includes persons with refugee status, asylum seekers' receipts, persons enjoying subsidiary protection or persons with a visa from a country in crisis.
Published on  July 15, 2020
Updated on January 8, 2021