Strategic institutional partnerships have been instrumental in developing collaborations with local and regional partners.
Sustainable collaborations have been established in particular through the organization of partnership events. Cultural and scientific culture activities have been intensified at the Valence area, in particular through the creation of an on-site Scientific and Technical Culture Office (CST). Here again, these actions have made it possible to initiate or strengthen partnerships, for example with the Musée de Valence in the context of the organisation of the “Nocturne des étudiants” (Student Night), or the Plastic Arts project.
Patronage actions in support of socio-cultural initiatives, even if they remain modest, are beginning to bear fruit. Université Grenoble Alpes thus benefits from private support over a period of 10 years to carry out actions of scientific culture in schools located in areas far from the metropolis. The Maison pour la science (House for Science) also benefits from private funding to develop teacher training in active methods in science teaching and to develop practical scientific workshops in secondary schools.
Published on July 21, 2020 Updated on July 21, 2020
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