Incentive instruments for the development of international partnerships

The "International Strategic Partnerships" program aims to strengthen collaborations and exchanges between partners through the joint funding of theses and post-doctoral students.
This action is also an opportunity to consolidate the partnerships with our international laboratories (lien) as well as with the very large international research infrastructures present in Grenoble: European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), Institut Laue-Langevin High Neutron Flux Reactor (ILL), European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory – LNCMI, IRAM (Institute of Millimetric Radio astronomy).
Thanks to this dedicated program, 81 PhDs have been co-funded since 2017.
An ambitious program has also financed master scholarships for foreign students on the basis of academic excellence: more than 600 master scholarships have been awarded, with the possibility to lead these students to PhD programs afterwards.
The geographical distribution of selected candidates in 2018 was as follows: 18% from Africa, 19% from America, 34% from Asia and 29% from Europe. Of the 90 master's students who received a scholarship in the academic year 2016-2017, 11 of them continued in 2017-2018 in a doctoral programme, which is higher than the national rate.

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Published on  July 21, 2020
Updated on July 21, 2020