This pole concerns research activities in Mathematics and in Information and communication sciences and technologies (Computer science, Automation, Signal processing). Its research ranges from fundamental to applied.
Strategic axes
MathAlp: from fundamental to applied
The activities of this axis cover the most fundamental aspects of mathematics to the most varied applications. It is important to reinforce this potential at a time when the development of new mathematical concepts and techniques is essential to address the increasing complexity of problems. The main objectives of the axis are to increase the visibility and attractiveness of the community of mathematicians at the Université Grenoble Alpes and to pursue an ambitious policy ranging from training to research.
Cyber-physical systems
The objective of this axis is to federate competences for ambitious projects, in the wake of Persyval-Lab and in coordination with industrial partners, in particular in the framework of Minalogic. The mapping is structured according to three orthogonal sub-axes: the high-level properties to be ensured and/or verified; the major application domains; and the fundamental or practical tools of computer science and mathematics that must be implemented or developed specifically for the design and realization of cyber-physical systems.
Data Science
This axis concerns the study of models and methods (physical, mathematical, statistical and computer science, etc) allowing to extract information and knowledge from collected data. These models and methods can be used to answer a wide range of questions and applications in the fields of the environment, the sciences of the universe, life sciences, humanities and social sciences, surveillance (monitoring, epidemiology, etc.), the internet, communication networks, etc.
Perception interactions and uses
The goal of this axis is to design and develop useful, usable and even fun interaction systems, which comply with the attributes of human interaction and are adapted to the context and the interaction situation. More broadly, this axis focuses on the design, development and use of digital systems intended to operate in a human environment.
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