This research department studies the human being within its social, societal, cultural, intercultural and environmental contexts. It deals with issues related to language, cognition, creation, education, technologies in society.
Strategic axes
Cognition and language
Studying the cognitive and social mechanisms of human communication.
Disciplinary fields: psychology, sciences of language and communication, education sciences, cognitive neurosciences, philosophy (with the CBS and MSTIC research departments).
Social and cultural spaces
Studying the interaction between societies and physical places.
Disciplinary fields: history, literature, comparative languages and literature, sciences of language and communication, history and socio-economics of sport, architecture and its history (with the PSS and PAGE research departments).
Studying the mechanisms of cultural creation, and their material and imaginary dimensions.
Disciplinary fields: literature, performing arts, architecture, urbanism, sciences of language and communication, history, philosophy (with the MSTIC and PSS research departments).
Transversal axis: Science and technology in society
Studying critically and reflectively the production modes of sciences and their societal impact.
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