Caring for people in exile is one of the major political and social challenges of our time. Université Grenoble Alpes provides concrete answers by receiving and training these groups.
With the Co-FormER program, the university proposes a concrete response to the migration issue by becoming a place to receive and train for those in exile. The Co-FormER program has a twofold objective: integrating people in exile into the community and the training of students who wish to commit to a social and solidarity project.
Find out more on Co-FormER website (in French)
Set up in 2018, this office is open to anyone in exile (potential students, teachers and researchers).
It is an entry point that centralizes and coordinates actions between different services/components at the university: the Centre universitaire d'études françaises (University Center of French Studies, or CUEF), the Office of Studies and Student Life (DEVE) and of Orientation and Professional Integration (DOIP) of the DGD FVU (Direction générale déléguée Formation et vie universitaire, or the Dedicated General Office for Training and Student Life).
You can visit the Colibri office at:
Tour IRMA - Salle 009
51, rue des Mathématiques
38610 Gières
Opening hours: