Innovative educational tools

At Université Grenoble Alpes, we are committed to offering innovative, practice-oriented teaching methods, linked to the field, to make students motivated, active and involved players in their professional projects. Studying at Université Grenoble Alpes means giving yourself the means to operate in a complex world.
To promote your success, the teaching community also develops innovative teaching practices that adapt to your needs and uses. Université Grenoble Alpes is notably a pioneer in the field of reverse learning and in the use of new technologies for teaching.

Here, you will learn how to develop cross-disciplinary skills that have become indispensable in companies. You will be able to take part in workshops or transdisciplinary modules, serious games, creativity awareness sessions... and this whatever your level or discipline.

We also provide you with numerous digital resources to facilitate learning, as well as places to learn differently.

Learning through the project

Experimental training where project work is essential for learning. Through project-based learning, you will develop knowledge in action, understood and integrated through experience rather than in a theoretical and disembodied way. These projects can be carried out at distance or face-to-face, with or without digital tools, during internships, seminars or workshops within your academic career.

Learning through interdisciplinarity

The interdisciplinary projects carried out at Université Grenoble Alpes encourage the development of know-how enabling students to learn how to deal creatively with the challenges of the world of work. These projects can be carried out at a distance or face-to-face, with or without digital tools, during internships, seminars or workshops as part of your academic career.

Learning through interdisciplinarity

The interdisciplinary projects carried out at Université Grenoble Alpes encourage the development of know-how enabling students to learn how to deal creatively with transversal subjects through multiple viewpoints.

We encourage and support learning activities where students work in interdisciplinary project teams. The proposed projects cover a wide range of topics, from technological subjects to social issues. These projects can take place over an entire semester or through creative challenges lasting a few days. They are integrated into the training courses or proposed à la carte.

Whether it be student architects with students from the IUT "Electrical Engineering" on sustainable construction projects, management and political science students around questions of the use of open data, or medical and performing arts students for the theatrical simulation of medical consultations, all these initiatives encourage creativity and openness through the encounter between different disciplinary fields.

Learning through digital technology

The use of digital tools and video in training courses has transformed the university teaching practices offered at Université Grenoble Alpes.

Université Grenoble Alpes supports teachers and students in the appropriation of these new devices:
  • MOOC (Massive open online courses) in several disciplines.
  • SPOC (Small private online courses) in addition to face-to-face training.
  • Inverted classes allowing to work in person and at a distance.
  • Teaching platforms to enrich exchanges between teachers and students.

Innovative language training

Research centers in language didactics develop innovations in learning and make available a digital ecosystem dedicated to language training.

Université Grenoble Alpes prepares you for certifications, offers positioning tests to assess your language level, digital games to start or improve your language skills, to express yourself orally and in writing in specific fields of study.

Developing skills

The successful professional integration of our students and the professionalization of the curriculum is one of our essential missions. We are therefore committed to preparing you to know how to act with expertise and skill in the types of professional situations you are likely to encounter, via "softskills" (creativity and collaboration), a welcome service to help with integration, the promotion of skills diplomas, and the deployment of two skills portfolios (PEC and Karuta).

Innovative learning spaces

Learning lab, learning center, fab lab, co-working space, creativity room... How are they innovative learning spaces? This mapping allows us to identify the spaces that are developing within Université Grenoble Alpes and the associated pedagogical uses:
  •  Coworking areas
  • Informal spaces
  • Fab labs
  • Learning center and libraries
  • Learning labs
  • Creativity rooms
  • Rooms for active pedagogy
  • Collaborative work rooms
Find out more (in French)
Published on  January 30, 2020
Updated on July 28, 2020