Unite!: horizon 2022

Headlines, Education, International
On  February 16, 2022
With a new Erasmus+ call, the integration of two new partners and an already full agenda, the year 2022 promises to be busy for the European university Unite!

Un nouvel appel Erasmus+ et deux nouveaux partenaires

Fin novembre 2021, la Commission Européenne a lancé un nouvel appel Erasmus+ dans le cadre de l’initiative « Universités Européennes » dont fait partie Unite! Cet appel lui permettra de définir son plan d’action sur les prochaines années et l’obtention d’une réponse positive permettra d’assurer un financement pour une période d’au moins 4 années. Une décision est attendue d’ici la fin du mois de juillet.

Pour Tanja Brühl, présidente de Unite! : “Le nouvel appel Erasmus+ nous donne l’opportunité de définir de nouveaux objectifs après deux années de travail intense au sein des groupes de travail de notre université européenne. Unite! possède désormais une expérience solide permettant de définir une stratégie à long terme afin de faire évoluer les objectifs vers la construction d’un nouveau modèle d’université européenne d’innovation et de technologie”.

Une construction déjà initiée par Unite! grâce à l’intégration de deux nouveaux membres : Graz University of Technology (Autriche) et Wroclaw University of Science and Techonology (Pologne). Ces deux universités technologiques partagent l’esprit et l’approche dynamique de Unite!
Leur intégration complète est prévue pour la fin d’année 2022.

Unite! en 2022


A new Erasmus+ call and two new partners


At the end of November 2021, the European Commission launched a new Erasmus+ call in the framework of the European Universities Initiative, of which Unite! is a part. This call will allow Unite! to define its action plan for the coming years and a positive response will ensure funding for at least 4 years. A decision is expected by the end of July.
For Unite!’s president Tanja Brühl, "the new Erasmus+ call gives us the opportunity to define a new Unite! mission statement after two years of intense work of the different working groups of the alliance. Unite! now has sufficient background to define a long-term strategy that will allow it to advance its objectives towards the achievement of a new model of European university of innovation and technology".

A construction that Unite! will now tackle with the integration of two new members: Graz University of Technology (Austria) and Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Poland). Both are technological universities that share the spirit and dynamic approach of Unite!. During 2022, the onboarding process will take place and will culminate at the end of the year with their full integration into the alliance.

Unite! in 2022


Several key events will take place during the year 2022 for the European University.

  • From 25 to 26 January, the Forum of Universities for the Future of Europe will take place. Set within the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union the Forum will be an opportunity to highlight the role of European universities for the Europe of the future and their contribution to its construction. This event will give Unite! an excellent opportunity to show its results and its active role in transforming the Higher Education area as one of the current 41 European University alliance.

  • On the 3rd and 4th of March, nine students from Unite! universities will take part in the European Students' Assembly at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. The European Students' Assembly, one of the main activities of the European Universities Community (EUC), will be a unique opportunity for students from across Europe to address some of the complex challenges facing the EU today.

  • After the 4th Dialogue organized in Barcelona in November 2021, a new meeting is scheduled for 8-10 March at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockolm for the 5th Dialogue. The 6th Dialogue will take place in Turin and will be organised by Politecnino di Torino (POLITO) in September 2022.

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Published on  February 23, 2022
Updated on  February 23, 2022